Wednesday, July 14, 2010

They stay in chains until you are free...

They stay in chains till you are free.
They cannot see the mercy of the world until you find it in yourself. They
suffer pain until you have denied its hold on you. They die till you accept your
own eternal life. You are the holy Son of God Himself. Remember this, and all
the world is free. Remember this, and earth and Heaven are one. ACIM lesson 191

It would appear we are all in this together, sink or swim, live or die... together. Even if we don't like each other.

I have been thinking today of the differences between us. Some grow up rich, some in abject poverty. Some with loving parents, some born to victimizers.

Is it easier to forgive if the trauma was less in your life than anothers?

Can what happens in illusion (ACIM) have varying weight? or value? or impact?

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